Statement of Faith

We believe in the Divine inspiration, infallibility and supreme authority of the Old and New Testaments in their entirety and that the Holy Spirit so moved the writers that what they wrote are authoritative statements of truth.

We believe there is one God in whom there are three equal Divine Persons, revealed as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and who of His sovereign will created the heavens and the earth and all that is contained within the universe.

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the eternally existing, only begotten Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. As God he became flesh and dwelt among us; as man He was God.

We believe all humanity are in a fallen sinful and lost condition through the rebellion of Adam and Eve, who were created without sin, and in this state of depravity are helpless to save themselves and are under the condemnation of God to eternal punishment in Hell.

We believe that salvation from the penalty and consequences of sin is found only through the substitutionary atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe it is the Holy Spirit alone who convicts humanity of sin.

We believe it is His work to lead people to repentance, create faith within, regenerate and fill those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the indwelling Spirit who bestows gifts and manifests the fruit of the Spirit in the believer.

We believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and on the third day rose from the dead; that he appeared to men and women who touched Him and knew His bodily presence.

We believe He ascended to heaven to His Father.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return in person with His saints and that the full consummation of the Kingdom of God awaits His return.

We believe that those who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit will receive a resurrection body at the return of Christ and will be forever with the Lord.

We believe that those who have not believed in Jesus as Lord and Saviour will be resurrected to stand at the judgement seat of God and to receive the punishment of eternal separation from God and condemnation to Hell.

We believe the Church is the Body of Christ composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe the Body of Christ finds its visible manifestation in the local community of believers and ministers through the cooperative exercise of God-given gifts available to all Christians. Each local community of believers is competent under Christ as the Head of the Church to order its life without any interference from any civil authority.